Vintage Muscle Elite™
- Vintage Muscle's Elite Membership
- 5 products a month, early access
- Private VIP community & support, Weekly Q&A's
- Affiliate Marketing Training
- Custom cycle advice
- Access to our team on a personal level
- Optional downgrade to $97 (2 products) once you've joined.
Take Your Physique, Energy, and Testosterone To The Next Level With Vintage Muscle Elite

Before I give you details on the next big thing for Vintage Muscle…
What I’m about to share is NOT for everyone…
Specifically, if you’re the type of guy who:
❌ Spends half his workout scrolling through social media
❌ Eats fast food and sugary snacks, then wonders why he can’t slim down
❌ Complains and whines when things don’t go his way
❌ Lifts the same weights weeks to weeks, and wonders why he doesn’t build muscle…
This is NOT for you…
Stop reading this and go make yourself a soy latte…
Still here?
Because If You’re Still Reading This, I Know You’re A Different Breed Of Man…
✅ A man who values achievement over immediate pleasures and cheap dopamine hits…
✅ A man who knows what he wants and is willing to WORK to get it…
✅ A top 1% man, a leader, a trailblazer
And the one thing the top 1% of men have in common is…
They know their limits…
But don’t worry… Because…

We’re Going to Help You Push Past Your Limits…
And get:
✅ A Chiseled Midsection
✅ More Brute Strength
✅ Muscular And Vascular Arms
✅ Boulder Shoulders
✅ Alpha Motivation & Confidence
And much more…
See, if you’re here…
You know that getting all of this takes MORE than just Vintage Muscle Stacks…
It takes a well-rounded effort of nutrition…
And knowing how to slug it out in the gym each day.
And let’s be honest…
You’re too busy to become an “expert” in these areas.
And that's not your fault.
We get it.
Life takes over.
But that’s why we’re inviting you to the next level of Vintage Muscle…
To help you hammer away at weaknesses…
And get a stronger mind… A stronger body…
So enough build-up…

Introducing... Vintage Muscle Elite
For the past 4 years we’ve helped 19,418 men:
✅ Build Layers of Lean, Dense Muscle Mass
✅ See Their STRENGTH and Vitality SOAR
✅ Regain Their Youthful Energy
✅ Speed Up Their Recovery
✅ Speed Up Their Recovery
And of course…
✅ Increase Their Testosterone Levels
Now… We want to help you take things even further…
Leaving no stone unturned…
And give you everything you need to dominate the gym, the boardroom, and the bedroom…
Vintage Muscle Elite is going to do just that…
By giving you EVERYTHING you need to STAY in the top 1% of men.
So let’s pull back the curtain…
And reveal everything you’re getting when you accept this private invitation:

You’re Getting All Your Favorite Vintage Muscle Stacks Delivered to Your Doorstep Monthly
Pick whichever stacks you want, the ones that best suit your goals, and get them delivered to your doorstep monthly.
Every month, you can pick new stacks to suit new goals, or keep them the same and keep chipping away at your current goals.
This has a value of over $997... But you're getting it included in your Vintage Muscle Elite membership today.
This has a value of over $997... But you're getting it included in your Vintage Muscle Elite membership today.
You’re Getting Expert Stack Consultations And Done-For-YOU Cycles
So you know exactly which stack combinations to pick for your goals. Because the reality is, the guys who get the best results take 2, 3, or even 4 stacks at a time. But knowing which ones to pick is another story.
With us on your side, you’ll know exactly which stacks to take - whether you want a chiseled midsection, a more athletic physique, faster recovery, more muscle mass, or just soaring testosterone levels.
We’re helping you pick ALL the stacks best suited for your goals, so there’s no more guesswork.

You’re Getting Custom Made Workouts - Tailored to YOUR Needs
Every man’s body is different. Every man’s goals are different. And the workouts that he’ll respond best to vary based on his physiology.
That said, when you join Vintage Muscle Elite, we’ll work with you to help you create a custom made workout plan that best suits you, your body, and your goals…
So you build the muscle, lose the fat, and get the strength you want… In less time.

We’re Giving You Weekly “Muscle Meet-Ups”
These virtual calls are a goldmine for everything training, lifestyle, nutrition, and testosterone.
We’ll be sharing the strategies and methods that make a HUGE difference in the effectiveness and efficiency of your training… The nutrition methods for rapid results…. And the other small details that make a MASSIVE difference in your physique, energy, and hormones.

We’re Giving You Advanced Affiliate Marketing Training
So your Vintage Muscle Elite membership pays for itself.
This training is brought to you by Adrian, who's making a FULL time income from Vintage Muscle in just a handful of hours a month.
He's sharing HIS secrets so you can follow in his footsteps...
This training is brought to you by Adrian, who's making a FULL time income from Vintage Muscle in just a handful of hours a month.
He's sharing HIS secrets so you can follow in his footsteps...
You’re Getting First Dibs On New Formulas
You know how quickly we sell out during our limited runs. Now, you don’t have to worry about that. Because you’ll be the first one to know about our new formulas, and you’ll get first dibs. This means better results, faster than you thought possible.
You’re Getting A Direct Line of Communication With THE CORE FOUR Of Vintage Muscle
Because we’re here to serve YOU…
And help you get the best results possible.
So you can reach out to us anytime you have a question about your training, nutrition, stacks, or life in general.
The Core Four Team Includes:

Jared Van Yperen
Vintage Muscle Founder & CEO
24 Years Old

Ricky Vee
Vintage Muscle
Stack Specialist
Stack Specialist
43 Years Old

Charles Woodell
Vintage Muscle Success Coach
52 Years Old

Blaine Cordell
Vintage Muscle Certified Badass
48 Years Old
And You're Getting A Lot More...
A whole lot more…
Including coaching from real bodybuilding pros…
Nutrition and diet support….
Lifestyle and recovery advice…
And so much more…
But it gets even better, because you’re going to:
Love Vintage Muscle Elite, Or You Pay Nothing
Just like all our Vintage Muscle Stacks…
When it comes to Vintage Muscle Elite, you’ll be absolutely delighted with your experience, or you pay nothing.
Because we don’t want to force anyone to pay for something they don’t like.
So when you join Vintage Muscle Elite today, think of it as a test-drive, or a trial run.
And you either absolutely love it - or pay nothing.
And We Get It... Life Happens...
So if for any reason...
You need to downgrade to Vintage Muscle Lite...
You can do that while reserving your right to RECLAIM your VM Elite spot at any time.
With Vintage Muscle Lite, you'll receive many of the same Vintage Muscle ELITE features...
You'll just receive less products at your doorstep each month.
(You must be in Vintage Muscle Elite first, BEFORE downgrading to LITE)
You need to downgrade to Vintage Muscle Lite...
You can do that while reserving your right to RECLAIM your VM Elite spot at any time.
With Vintage Muscle Lite, you'll receive many of the same Vintage Muscle ELITE features...
You'll just receive less products at your doorstep each month.
(You must be in Vintage Muscle Elite first, BEFORE downgrading to LITE)

Now You've Got a Decision to Make
As we all know…
The number one trait of leaders is decisiveness…
So now’s the time to flex your decision-making “muscle”.
And this isn’t a question of whether you want to join Vintage Muscle Elite or not…
The real question is…
Do you want to keep walking the road alone?
Do you want to leave gains on the table?
Do you want to guess with your workouts, nutrition, and lifestyle…
Or would you rather…
Join a community of highly motivated badasses who push each other past their limits…
Get workouts & nutrition tailored to YOUR needs…
Get ALL the Vintage Muscle stacks you want monthly (and have cycles custom curated for YOU)...
And get the body, mind, and spirit that impresses - in the weight room, the boardroom, AND the bedroom…
I think the answer’s easy enough.
or call Tyson at (858) 323-2061
or call Tyson at (858) 323-2061
12-6 P.M. MT